The Teacher Academies aim at a holistic inclusivity in learning

TUTOR aims to create partnerships between teacher education and training providers to set up Teacher Academies developing a European and international outlook on teacher education.

Main objectives


Improve the teacher education policies and practices in Europe.


Define a forward-looking strategy upskilling strategy for secondary school teachers.


Enhance the European dimension and internationalization of teacher education through innovative and practical collaboration


Foster holistic inclusivity in the learning environment, covering all its aspects such as tolerance, non-discrimination, and flexibility


Assess current and future skill mismatches in the targeted profession.


Disseminate widely all project results & maintain them after project closure

Inclusivity Approach of the TUTOR project

Students from the LGBTQI+ community

Students with migrant/refugee background

Students facing socio-economic disadvantages

TUTOR looks at the aspects of the target groups from an Intersectional approach.

Target Group 1

Secondary Education Teachers,
coming from the 4 main implementing countries (Greece, Ireland, Austria, Turkey) looking to update their skills. TG1 consists of secondary education teachers whose skills on the issue of inclusivity for students experience discrimination because of their gender identity, sexual orientation, migrant or refugee background, and socio-economic status.

Target Groups

Target Group 2

Students from LGBTQI+ community, students with migrant/refugee background, and socio-economically disadvantaged students.
This target group consists of students experiencing discrimination because of their identification in one or more identities being considered as marginalized (LGBTQI+ student, student being identified in multiple marginalized categories).

Target Group 3

Policy Makers.
Policy makers working in Ministries, Local & Regional authorities, EU bodies, and other official stakeholders with the ability to influence policies, and wishing to make changes at an EU and national level towards the creation of more inclusive learning experiences.

Synopsis of the expected results



TUTOR Project in Numbers


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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.